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tobeginwith (每日背一句Day 135)To begin with, I have to use chopsticks

(每日背一句Day 135)To begin with, I have to use chopsticks

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Day 135

英文:To begin with, I have to use chopsticks.


英文:But you look quite proficient in using them now.


Key words:

chopstick n. 筷子

proficient adj. 熟练的;be proficient + in + 熟练的事物/动作;



(d)to begin with同中文的“本来”意义相似。中文的“本来”,分析起来,有如下几个含义,英语的to begin with (in the first place亦同) 都大致上与之相对应:

(i)先如何,后来变了:Everything went well to begin with. 事情本来进行得好好的。(ii) 开头时就已经如何,所以后来与之相反的某事是不合理的。

It's not their money to begin with... so how could they be angry over losing it? 本来就不是他们的钱...钱丢了他们怎能生气呢?

There's hardly enough food or water here to begin with, so you can't blame them. 本来这里吃的喝的都不大够,所以怪不了他们。

但是如果是“现在本来就已经如何,再加上别的什么就更不可接受”,“本来”就更多用as it is。

Don't disturb me. I'm nervous as it is. 别打扰我。我本来就已经够紧张的了。

(iii) 本来已经如何,何况后来更甚(或后来只不过是更进一步)。

The plate was cracked to begin with. 盘子本来就是有裂缝的(后来碎了不足为奇)。

The list of people who could be counted on for that, she decided, was not long to begin with, and even shorter in the middle of the night. 她明确了,在这件事情上可以依靠的人,名单本来就已经是不长的,到了半夜,名单变得更短了。

Johnson's expression was melancholy to begin with, and became a shade more so. 约翰逊的表情本来就忧郁,现在更加显得忧郁。

The bedroom, which was small to begin with, looked tiny, as if it could barely contain him. 卧室本来就小,现在更显得狭窄,仿佛容不下他了。

They eliminated six full-time and three part-time elevator men — a vanishing breed to begin with. 他们取消了六名全职电梯司机和三名兼职电梯司机,而这一类职工本来就已经在消亡中。

He's had too much success too soon. He's got a stupid, sick mind to begin with. 他太少年得志了。况且他本来的精神状态就痴呆有病。

And the head of the police wondered whether the wanted criminal had ever been there to begin with. 警察局长对于通缉犯究竟本来是不是到过那处地方也打个问号。

You shouldn't have come here to begin with.你本来就不应该到这里来。

The origin of the calendar is inaccurate to begin with, and our "year" is not strictly astronomically accurate but varies between 365 and 366 days. 历法的来源本来就不精确,何况我们的“一年”在天文学上又不是严格算准而是介乎365与366天之间。


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