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leaveout 新冠疫情严峻 意大利全境实施人员流动管控

新冠疫情严峻 意大利全境实施人员流动管控


当地时间3月9日夜间,意大利总理孔特宣布,因新冠疫情严峻,人员流动紧急管控措施将扩大至意大利全境(extend the emergency quarantine measures across the entire country)。

A waiter stands by empty tables outside a restaurant at St Mark's Square, which is usually full of tourists, after Italy's government adopted a decree with emergency new measures to contain the coronavirus, in Venice, Italy, March 5, 2020. [Photo/Agencies]


“The figures show we are experiencing a serious increase in infections, an increase in people hospitalised in intensive care – and an increase, unfortunately, in deaths. We need to change our lifestyle. We need to change it now. That’s why I have decided to adopt these hard measures,” said Conte.


"The whole of Italy will become a protected zone," he added.


"We all must give something up for the good of Italy. We have to do it now.


“There is no more time. I will take responsibility for these measures. Our future is in our hands,” he told reporters.


A military member looks on as police checks on people at Milan's main train station, Milan, Italy, March 9, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]

孔特将此次管控措施称为“我待在家(I stay at home)”,具体措施包括:

People are forbidden to gather in public. 禁止人们在公共场所聚集。

All public events will be banned, cinemas, theatres, gyms, discos and pubs closed, and funerals and weddings cancelled.禁止所有公共活动,电影院、剧院、健身房、迪厅及酒吧全部关闭,婚礼、葬礼全部取消。

All sporting events - including football matches - are suspended nationwide. Schools and universities will remain closed until April 3.全国范围内暂停所有体育活动,包括足球赛事。各类学校在4月3日之前保持关闭。

Those who have to leave their region or their cities out of serious necessity can do so only if they have self-certification stating that they must cross the borders for compelling business reasons, health reasons, or because they have to return home.因紧迫的工作需要、健康需要或者家庭需要而离开当前城市或地区的,需提供相应的证明后才能出行。

There are controls at train stations to check the temperatures of passengers. Cruise ships are also forbidden to dock at various ports.火车站设立检查站检测乘客体温。禁止游轮停靠境内港口。

People may face fines and up to three months in jail for breaking quarantine rules.违反疫情防控规定者或面临罚款以及最高3个月的监禁。


封锁 under lockdown

远程办公 work from home/telecommute

居家隔离 home quarantine

公共卫生 public health

疫情防控国际合作 international cooperation on epidemic prevention and control

参考来源:BBC News,央视新闻

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)




有一个非常地道的表达:leave out ,我们一起来学习一下。


To ignore, forget, or exclude, as from a group, activity, benefit, etc. In this usage, the phrase is usually used in the past tense ("left out").

通常表示被某一团体所忽视,忘记或排除在外。使用时通常用过去式left out。


He always feels left out when his friends talk about basketball, because he doesn't like it at all.


I felt left out when you went hiking without me!



Leonard : Well, you know, Bernadette and Howard are pregnant again, and Amy and Sheldon are getting married. I didn't want you to feel left out.

Penny : Ah. Left out? Well, Bernadette has to grow a baby inside of her, and Amy has to marry one. My life is great.



要表达“冷落,忽视”,我们还可以用这两个词:ignore neglect.

需要注意的是:ignore 通常指有意识地拒绝;neglect 多指无意识地忽视。例如:

I smiled at her but she just ignored me.


He'd given too much to his career, worked long hours, neglected her.






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