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reviewing “雨女无瓜”“awsl”这些爆红的网络语,用英语怎么说?







01 柠檬精











英译:在这里采用解释性的译法把“柠檬精”译为Those who envy others in a self-deprecating way。

02 996 ICU

“996 ICU”在今年也火了一把。







英译:其实996 ICU就是指工作996,生病ICU,有这样一个译本,分享给大家:Work by 996, sick in ICU。可以再进行备注,解释一下996的含义:Work from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm, 6 days a week。

03 退役熬夜员








英译:这里采用了解释性译法,得出这样一个译本:Those who no longer stay up late。

04 五花八门





英译:因为这一句流行语就是表面意思的缩写,所以直译成spend five days reviewing eight subjects。

05 嘴炮式恋爱






英译:收集到这样一个译本,分享给大家:a lip-service seeker of romance。

06 光想青年







英译:“光想”表达的其实就是“空想”的意思,因此选用daydreamer(空想家)一词,将其译为youthful daydreamer。

07 awsl

“awsl”最早源于日语“A Watashiwa Shintei Lu”的缩写,本义是“啊,我死了”。









英译:在这里,“awsl”表达的是一种激动兴奋到窒息的含义,所以将其译为Oh my god, I can' t breathe。

08 倔强式单身








英译:这里给出的译本是perverse singleton,指的就是那些心口不一的、倔强的单身人士们。

09 退休预备员







英译:英大在网上发现有一个合适的译本,特来跟大家分享:a retiree wannabe。其实指的就是想退休的一群人,即those who look forward to retirement。

010 雨女无瓜








英译:雨女无瓜要翻译成Rain girl without melon吗?no no no,应该是None of your business,但是为了体现口音,念起来的时候也可以稍微带点口音……

(来源:沪江英语 编辑:yaning)



1. favor favorite favorable unfavorable help helpful helpless aid AIDS first aid assist assistant assistance


1. favor [ 5feivE ] n. 好感, 宠爱, 好意 Could I ask for your favour?能不能请你帮个忙?

2. favorite [ 5feivErit ] n. 特别喜欢的人(或物), 心腹 adj. 喜爱的, 宠爱的, 中意的 Everyone has his favorite. But it’s wrong to force others to love your favorite.每个人都有自己的最爱。但强迫他人喜欢你的最爱的做法却是不对的。

3. favorable [ 5feiErEbl ] adj. 赞成的, 有利的 Now the international situation is favorable to develop our economy. 现在国际形势对发展我们的经济有利。

4. unfavorable [ 5Qn5feivErEbl ] adj. 不利的 What Chen Shubian does is unfavorable for the stability across the straits.陈水扁的所作所为对海峡两岸的稳定不利。

5. help [ help ] n. 帮忙, 补救办法, 助手 v. 帮助, 有助于 Without your help, I would have failed the exam again.没有你的帮助,我这次考试又会不及格。 help sb help sb with sth help sb (to) do sth help oneself to sth 自便用,自便吃

6. helpful [ 5helpful ] adj. 有帮助的, 有益的 An English dictionary is helpful in our study. 一本英语词典在我们的学习中有用。

7. helpless [ 5helplis ] adj. 无助的, 没用的 Regretting is helpless. Why not learn a lesson and do better from now on?后悔是没有用的。干吗不吸取教训,从现在起做得更好些呢?

8. aid [ eid ] n. 帮助, 援助, 帮助者 vt. 资助, 援助, 帮助 First aid should be given to the wound without delay.应该马上给伤者急救。 first aid n.(对伤患者的)急救

9. AIDS [eIdz] 艾滋病 So far no effective medicine has been found to cure AIDS.到目前为止还没有治好爱滋病的有效药物。

10. assist [ E5sist ] 词根sist含义为stand站;assist, 站在一旁 n. 援助, 帮助 Mary assists the professor with the important experiment.玛丽协助教授做重要的实验。

11. assistant [ E`sIstEnt ] n. 助手, 助教 adj. 辅助的, 助理的 The expert need an assistant. Do you have interest?那名专家需要一个助手,你感兴趣吗?

12. assistance [ E5sistEns ] n. 协助, 援助, 补助 The smooth work was due to his effective assistance.他有效的帮助使工作很顺利。

2. feel feeling feet(foot) feed(food) fell

feel like doing /would like to do


1. feel [ fi:l ] vt. 摸, 触, 试探, 感觉, 觉得 The metal pipe feels very cold in winter.在冬天金属管道摸起来很冷。 feel sth feel that feel sb to be feel like (doing) sth想做,想要 feel sorry for sth为……感到歉意

2. feeling [ 5fi:liN ] n. 感觉, 感情 What you said hurt her feeling a lot.你说的话深深地伤害了她。

3. feet [ fi:t ] foot的复数。 n. 足, 底部, 英尺 The fence around the house is five feet high.房子周围的篱笆有五英尺高。

4. feed [ fi:d ] 食物food的动词形式:vt.喂养, 饲养, 放牧, 靠...为生 Wolves feed on meat.狼以肉为生。 feed sb喂养 feed sth to sb拿……喂 feed sb with sth用……喂 feed on sth. 以……为生

5. fell [ fel ] vt. 砍伐 The trees are felled down one after another.那些树一棵一课被砍倒了。

6. feel like doing 意欲 I feel like refreshing myself by watching a comedy.我想看一部喜剧来放松一下。

7. would like to do 想要 We would like to help keep traffic order this Sunday.我们想星期天时去协助维护交通。

3. few little new view review


1. few [ fju: ] adj. 很少的, 不多的, 少数的 n. [表示否定]很少数(指可数名词)Few people like to watch operas now, do they? 现在很少有人喜欢看歌剧了,是吗? a few几个,一些(肯定含义);

2. little [ 5litl ] n. 少许, 一会儿, 短时间 adj.很少的(指不可数名词) Hurry. There is little time left.快点,没剩下多少时间了。 a little 一些(肯定含义);not a little, 非常

3. new [ nju: ] adj. 新的 I’m a new comer here. Can you please show me the way?我是新来的。你能不能给我指指路?

4. view [ vju: ] 词根vi表示看; n.景色, 风景, 观点 Here we can have a good view of the blue sea.这儿我们可以好好看看蓝色的大海。

5. review [ ri5vju: ] re-view vt. 回顾, 复习 n. 回顾, 复习, 评论 After I finish reviewing the lessons, I will go with you to the museum.我复习完功课就和你去展览馆。

4. field battlefield battleground oilfield frontier field hospital area zone region district


1. field [ fi:ld ] n. 原野, 旷野, 领域, (一块)田地, 牧场, 域, 战场, 运动场 Madam Curie made great achievements in the field of radioactivity.居里夫人在放射领域取得了巨大成就。

2. battlefield [5bAt(E)lfi:ld] n. 战场 A soldier fights in more than battlefields.军人作战不只在战场。

3. battleground [ 5bAtl7^raund ] n. 战场 The village was turned into a battleground when the war broke out.战争爆发,村庄变成了战场。

4. oilfield n. 油田 More oilfields have been detected across China, which relieves the worry about the shortage of oil.中国又发现了更多的油田,这缓解了人们对石油短缺的担忧。

5. front [ frQnt ] n. 前面,前线 Hemingway went to the front at the risk of his life to cover the real battles.海明威冒着生命危险到前线去报道真正的战斗。

6. frontier [ 5frQntjE ] n. 国境, 边疆 You are prohibited from crossing the frontier without passport. 没有护照,你不能穿过边境。

7. field hospital 战地医院 Doctor Bethune worked hard at the field hospital.白求恩大夫在战地医院忘我地工作。

8. area [ 5ZEriE ] n. 范围, 区域, 面积 What’s the area of the polluted areas?被污染了的地区面积有多大?

9. zone [ zEun ] n. 地域, 地带, 地区, 环带 We can’t get into the forbidden zone.我们不能进入禁区。

10. region [ 5ri:dVEn ] A large, usually continuous segment of a surface or space; area n. 区域, 地方, (世界上某个特定的)地区 Mr. Li is a power in this region.李先生在这一带很有势力。

11. district [ 5distrikt ] A division of an area, as for administrative purposes. n. 区域, 地方, 管区, 行政区 Who was elected governor of the special district?谁是特区的当选长官?

5. five fifth fifteen fifty fire fine fir


1. five [ faiv ] 五

2. fifth [ fifW ] 第五

3. fifteen [ 5fif5ti:n ] 十五

4. fifty [ 5fifti ] 五十

5. fire [ 5faiE ] n. 火,v. 开火,解雇 Hands up, or I’ll fire! 举起手来,否则我开枪了!

6. fine [ fain ] adj. 好的 n. 罚款, 晴天, 精细 vt.罚款, 精炼 Jimmy was fined one hundred dollars for speedy driving.因为超速行车,杰米被罚了一百美元。 格言:Fine feathers make fine birds. 佛靠金装,人靠衣装。

7. fir [ fE: ] n. 冷杉, 枞树, 杉木 The fir is an ever green tree.杉木是常青树。

6. fight light right sight might night tight struggle


1. fight [ fait ] f联想为勾拳出击,n.打架, 战斗 vi. 打仗, 搏斗, 打架 Life is a fight against hardship.人生就是一场与困难的战斗。 fight for 为……而战 fight against 打击,抗击

2. light [ lait ] n. 光, 灯 adj. 轻的,明亮的, 浅的vt. 点燃, 照亮 The light was so dim that your eyes must have been hurt.光线太暗,你的眼睛一定受了伤害。

3. right [ rait ] n. 正义, 权利, 右边, 右派 adj. 正当的, 正确的, 对的, 合适的 They demanded the right of knowing the truth. 他们要求知情权。

4. sight [ sait ] 联想see, 看见,n. 视力, 视觉, 视域, 眼界 The beautiful sight makes every visiter hesitate to leave.美丽的景色使得游客不忍离开。

5. might [ mait ] 联想may, 可以,aux.可以 n. 力量, 威力, 可能 There might be objection. But I’m determined to carry the plan out.可能会有反对意见。但我决定将计划实施到底。

6. night [ nait ] n. 夜, 夜晚 Regular work at night will change the cycle of our life.经常在夜间工作会改变我们的生活周期。

7. tight [taIt] ti,音似“贴”,贴得紧,adj. 紧的 adv. 紧紧地 She enjoys wearing tight dresses, which however exposing her fat belly.她喜欢穿紧身服,但这反而暴露了她小腹肥胖。

8. struggle [ 5strQ^l ] n. & vi. 竞争, 努力, 奋斗 To struggle on is our only way out.奋斗是我们唯一的出路。

7. fill fall full fool bill pill till will kill hill drill

1. fill [ fil ] vt. 装满, 充满, 弥漫 To our surprise, the room was filled with rosy smells.令我们意外的事,房间里充满了玫瑰香味。

2. fall [ fC:l ] n. 秋天, 落下 The rain kept falling. How I hate it!雨不停地下,真讨厌!

3. full [ ful ] adj. 充满的, 完全的 The carriage was full of passengers. They made full use of every bit of room.车厢里满是乘客,他们充分利用了每一点空间。

4. fool [ fu:l ] n. 愚人, 白痴 vt. 愚弄, 欺骗 Never attempt to fool me; I’m not a fool.不要试图骗我,我不是傻瓜。 格言:A fool may give a wise man counsel. 傻瓜有时也能给智者忠告。

5. bill [ bil ] bi, 音似“必”, 必须应付的东西,n.账单, 钞票, 议案, 法案 When can you pay the bill?你什么时候能付账?

6. pill [ pil ] pi, 音似“片”,n.药片 The doctor advised I have the medicine three bills at a time. 医生建议我一次吃三片。

7. till [ til ] prep. 直到, 在...以前, 迄 conj. 直到...为止 I didn’t know it till you told me.你告诉我我才知道这件事的。

8. will [ wil, wEl, El, l ] n. & aux.将, 愿意, 必须 n. 意志, 决心, 遗嘱 The old man mended his will and granted his son nothing except a room.老人更改了遗嘱,只留给儿子一间屋子。 格言:Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

9. kill [ kil ] v. 杀死, 毁掉, 杀伤 I took a book with me to kill the time when I waited for the train.我等车时带了本书打发时间。

10. hill [ hil ] n. 小山, 丘陵, 斜坡, 山岗 What we can see is only a hill without green.我们所看到的只是没有一丝绿色的山丘。

11. drill [ dril ] n. 钻孔机, 军事训练 v. 操练, (反复)练习 The soldiers used to drill on our playground. 士兵们曾在我们的操场上训练。

8. find kind wind gale breeze mind remind


1. find [ faind ] vt. 找到, 发现, 感到 Soon the planner of the terrorist attack was found out.恐惧袭击的策划者不久就被查出来了。 find sth find sb sth find that find sb to be find out sth find it + adj.+ to do sth

2. kind [ kaind ] n. 种类, 性质 adj. 仁慈的, 和蔼的, 亲切的, 友爱的 It’s kind of you to offer help to different kinds of people.你向各种人提供帮助,太善良了。

3. wind [ waind ] n. 风 v. 绕, 缠, 上发条 The river winds its way to the sea.河流蜿蜒通向大海。

4. hurricane [ 5hQrikEn, -kin ] hurry [ 5hQri ] 匆忙;hurricane, n. 飓风, 狂风 Hurricanes attack the United States from time to time.飓风时不时侵袭美国。

5. gale [ ^eil ] n. 大风, (突发的)一阵 A gale swept away the clothes hanging outside.一阵大风把挂在外面的衣服吹走了。

6. breeze [ bri:z ] n. 微风 Walking in a breeze refreshes us a lot.微风中走一走让我们清醒了许多。

7. mind [ maind ] n. 头脑, 智力 vi.介意, 照顾, 留心 vt. 注意, 留意 -There seems to be something on his mind. 好象他有心事。 -Mind your own business.别管闲事。 格言: Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。

8. remind [ ri5maind ] vt. 提醒, 使想起 Would you please remind me in case I forget to leave at 6 o’clock?如果我六点钟忘了走,请你提醒我一下,好吗? remind sb of sth提醒基人某事 remind sb to do sth提醒某人做某事 remind sb that

9. punish punishment publish public pub republic polish


1. punish [ 5pQniF ] pun-ish vt. 惩罚, 处罚 Whoever break the law should be punished. 违反法律者都要受到惩罚。

2. punishment [ 5pQniFmEnt ] n. 惩罚, 处罚 Bush deserves the punishment.布什他罪有应得。

3. publish [ 5pQbliF ] publi-sh n. 出版 vt.公 布, 发表 He was surprised to find that his love stories were published.他意外地发现他的爱情故事发表了。

4. public [ 5pQblik ] n.公众, 公共场所adj.公众的, 公共的, 公立的, 公用的 As public people, the pop stars should behave themselves well.作为公众人物,明星们应举止得体。

5. pub [ pQb ] n. 酒馆, 客栈(公众常去的地方)The drunkard used to go to the village pub. 那醉鬼曾经常到村上酒馆那儿去。

6. republic [ ri5pQblik ] n. 共和国, 共和政体 adj. 共和的 China is a republic.中国是个共和国。

7. polish [ 5pCliF ] pol-ish vt.擦亮,磨光, 推敲 vi.发亮, 变光滑 It’s not the job of polishing shoes ignoble but the idea that it’s ignoble is ignoble.不光彩的不是擦鞋的工作,而是擦鞋不光彩的想法。

10. figure hand clap applaud glove fist elbow arm hug embrace shoulder neck throat


1. figure [ 5fi^E ] n. 外形, 画像, 数字, vt. 认为 figure out 计算出, 解决, 断定, 领会到 I figured out that he wouldn’t like to go and sure enough, his usual seat kept vacant all through the meeting.我断定他不会去的,果然,整个会议期间他经常坐的那个一直都是空的。

2. hand [ hAnd ] n. 手 Can you give me a hand with this bag?你能帮我拿一下这个包吗?

3. clap [ klAp ] A division of an area, as for administrative purposes. v. 鼓掌, 轻拍 The boy clapped his hands to show his warm welcome.男孩拍手表示他热情的欢迎。

4. applaud [ E5plC:d ] To express approval, especially by clapping the hands v. 拍手喝彩, 称赞 We applauded his suggestion that there be an English Evening next weekend.我们赞同他的下周末组织一场英语晚会的提议。

5. glove [ ^lQv ] n. 手套 A pair of gloves can keep your hands warm.戴上手套你的手就会很暖和。 格言:A cat in gloves catches no mice. 带手套的猫捉不到耗子; 四肢不勤, 一事无成.

6. fist [ fist ] f-ist f想像“手”;n. 拳头 A fist never means justice.拳头绝不代表公正。

7. elbow [5elbEJ] el-bow 联想bow,弓,n.肘(象弓般弯曲)The waiting room was crowded. We had to elbow our way through.候车间很挤,我们不得不挤出来。

8. arm [ B:m ] n. 臂 There is nothing wrong with my arms.我的手臂没有问题。

9. shoulder [ 5FEuldE ] n. 肩 vt. 肩负, 承当 What a weak shoulder to shoulder the duty of feeding his brother!多么瘦弱的肩膀,却要承当养活弟弟的重任!

10. neck [ nek ] n. 脖子, 颈, 颈状物 They are running neck and neck!他们并驾齐驱,不分仲伯!

11. throat [ WrEut ] n.咽喉 Don’t believe him. He lied in his throat.别信他,他说大谎、胡说八道

12. hug [ hQ^ ] To embrace or cling together closely. v. & n. 拥抱 Father gave him a big hug. 父亲热烈地拥抱了他一下。

13. embrace [ im5breis ] vt. 拥抱 Mother embraced the baby in her arms. 母亲把小宝贝抱在怀中。

11.first fist second third initial initially origin original originate


1. first [ fE:st ] adv. 首先, 最初, 第一(列举条目等用) adj. 第一的 The first settlers on the island had great difficulty in getting used to the poor conditions.早期的殖民者很难适应岛上的恶劣条件。 格言:First things first.有序而作。

2. fist [ fist ] n. 拳 His fist hit her in the face hard.他的拳头重重地打在她的脸上。

3. second [ 5sekEnd ] n. 秒, 第二人 num.第二 vt. 赞成, 支持 After a few seconds everything quieted down.过了一会儿,一切都平静了下来。

4. third [ WE:d ] num.第三, 三分之一 I will see the film a third time because I still didn’t quite understand it at the second time.我第二遍也不是很明白这部电影,因此我又看了一遍。

5. initial [ i5niFEl ] in-it-ial Of, relating to, or occurring at the beginning; first adj.最初的, 词首的, 初始的 Both sides took the initial step toward peace.双方都朝着和平方向迈出了第一步。

6. initially [I5nIFElI] adv. 最初, 开头 Initially, she opposed the plan, but later she changed her mind.起初,她反对这份计划,但后来她改变了主意。

7. origin [ 5CridVin ] The point at which something comes into existence or from which it derives or is derived n. 起源 Everything has its origin.万物有其起源。

8. original [ E5ridVEnEl ] adj. 起源的,原始的 Not only our products but also our minds are original.我们的产品是原创的,我们的思想也是原创的。

9. originate [ E5ridVineit ] v. 起源于 Planes originated from birds.飞机起源于鸟的启示。

12. fish dish wish wash


1. fish [ fiF ] n. 鱼, 鱼肉 v 捕鱼, 钓鱼 He used to drink like a fish. 他曾经豪饮。

2. dish [ diF ] di-, 音“碟”,n.盘, 碟, 盘装菜 Delicious dishes were brought on continually during the dinner party.在宴会上美味佳肴不断地被端上来。

3. wish [ wiF ] n. 愿望,祝愿 v.希望, 但愿 How I wish to be a Taikonaunt!我多希望能成为一名太空人!

4. wash [ wCF ] vt. 洗, 洗涤 This kind of cloth washes easily.这种布料很容易洗干净。

13. fit fat fix sit bit hit suit suitable adapt proper appropriate


1. fit adj. 适合的,适宜的(for, to) 胜任的; n. 适合 (服装的大小等)合身 I believe I am fit for the position.我相信我胜任这个职位。 be fit for 适合 sth fits sb sb be fit to do sth

2. fat [ fAt ] n. 脂肪, 肥肉 adj. 肥大的 The coat fits the fat man.这件外衣适合胖的人。

3. fix [ fiks ] vt.使固定, 装置, 修理 Fix an eye on him. Probably he will do something unexpected.盯着他。他很可能会做出意外的事情。

4. sit [ sit ] vi. 就座, 坐 My mother used to sit by silently watching me doing my homework. 我母亲过去常常静静地坐在我身边看我做作业。

5. bit [ bit ] n. 少量 There is still a bit of water. But I’m afraid it’s not enough.还有一点水,但恐怕那不够。

6. hit [ hit ] n. & vt. 打击, 打中 A wonderful idea hit me and I was a little excited to try it out.我突然想到了一个好主意,我有些兴奋,要尝试一下。

7. suit [ sju:t ] s音“色”,颜色;suit, n. 合适(颜色、款式等), 适合, 相配, 适宜于 n. 一套衣服 The hat fits me well but doesn’t suit my suit.那帽子大小适合我,但与我的衣服不匹配。

8. suitable [ 5sju:tEbl ] Appropriate to a purpose or an occasion adj. 适当的, 相配的 Our shop only sells books suitable for children.我们书店只卖适合儿童看的书。

9. adapt [ E5dApt ] ad-apt To make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation vt. 使适应, 改编 We will adapt ourselves to the new environment quickly.我们很快会调整自己来适应新环境的。

10. adaptation [ 7AdAp5teiFEn ] n. 适应, 改编, 改写本 This reader is an adaptation from the original novel. 这读本是从原著改写而来的。

11. proper [ 5prCpE ] pro-per Called for by rules or conventions; correct adj.适当的, 正确的 We will take proper steps to make sure that children have a proper developing surroundings.我们会采取适当的措施来保障孩子们有一个合适的成长环境。 格言:It is right to put everything in its proper use.凡事都应用得其所。

12. appropriate [ E5prEupriit ] ap-propri-ate propri, 即proper; Suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place; fitting adj.适当的 Tony made an appropriate speech at the meeting. 托尼在会上做了适当的发言。

14. fix mix mixed mixture fox fax repair mend


1. fix [ fiks ] vt. 使固定, 修理 Why not have your computer fixed today? 为什么今天不找人把你的电脑修一下?

2. mix [ miks ] v.使混和, 混淆, 混合 Water and oil never mix.水和油不会混合的。

3. mixed [ mikst ] adj. 混合的 Air is not pure but mixed. 空气不是纯净的,它是混合的。

4. mixture [ 5mikstFE ] n. 混合, 混合物, 混合剂 Some man-made mixtures take on special characteristics. 一些人工合成的混合物有特殊的特征。

5. fox [ fC:ks ] n. 狐狸, 狡猾的人 What an old fox he is!他真是一只老狐狸!

6. fax [ fAks ] n. 传真 Tom! Here is a fax for you.汤姆,你有一封传真。

7. repair [ ri5pZE ] To restore to sound condition after damage vt. 修理, 修补 If a driver learns to repair his own car, he will have less trouble in the future.如果司机学会了自己修车,他将来的麻烦就会少得多。

8. mend [ mend ] To improve in health or condition vt.修改, 改进 They are trying to mend their ruined reputation.他们正在设法修复受损的名声。


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